The Los Angeles Basketry Guild was formed on September 14, 1985, around a campfire at Judy Mulford’s First Annual Kern River Pine Needle Basketry Campout Retreat. Judy’s vision for the Guild is reflected in the Guild’s motto: “educate, encourage, enjoy.” More specifically, the goal is to share the knowledge and love of basketry, to encourage others not only to create baskets but also to grow as people, and to establish bonds of friendship among the members of the basketry community.
The first quarterly newsletter, written by Judy, was sent out in October 1985 to a membership of 30. The first semi-annual meeting was held on September 21, 1986, at Judy’s Los Angeles home. By then the membership had risen to 90, now it is well over 250.
During the first 14 years, Judy ran the Guild almost single-handedly. At the twice-yearly meetings hosted at Judy’s home, there were speakers and mini-basketry workshops. The quarterly newsletters, which Judy produced with the assistance of her friend Sydney Edwards, were filled with local and national basketry news, information on basket classes, shows and sales, material sources, field trips, and other basketry related information.
In addition, the Guild held yearly retreats with Judy first assisted by Betz Salmont and later by Suzanne Smith. By October 1999, it was time for change. The first of those changes was to move the Guild meetings to a new home, the Los Angeles Museum of Natural History. And, as the year 2000 approached, Judy decided it was time to step down from her position of overseeing the Guild. It was time for others to take responsibility for the Guild so it could continue to grow, mature, and endure. The Guild is now in the capable hands of an executive committee composed of the following positions: Director, Newsletter Editor, Secretary, Treasurer, Program Chairman, Membership Chairman, Web Master , 2 Members at Large.
The semi-annual meetings continue with speakers and mini workshops and are now held at Joslyn Park Community Room, in Santa Monica, and have been supplemented by field trips to museums and other basketry-related venues. The quarterly newsletter is going as strong as ever, and is now offered digitally to members. The annual retreats, which had been discontinued, will soon been reinstated.