Lois Rainwater Memorial Library
If you would like to check out a book,
please email Aviva avivamom@gmail.com
Books can be picked up and returned
at the quarterly meetings. Book borrowers leave
a $10 cash deposit. Books may be borrowed for up to two years. Books with an asterisk * are checked out.
Advanced Pattern Book (Raffia) McFarland, J
Advanced Pattern Book (Raffia), copy 2 McFarland, J
All Made By Hand Arnold, James
All Things Considered, Volume IV
All Things Considered, Volume VII NBO
All Things Considered, Volume VIII NBO
All Things Considered, Volume 9 NBO
American Baskets Shaw, R
american indian art magazine, basketry issue 1999
Appalachian Beginnings, Washington, M.
Antique Baskets and Basketry Thompson, F
Apache Indian Baskets Tanner, C L
Art of Basketry Lønning, Kari
Art of Basketry Lønning, Kari copy 2, hardbound
Art of Pine Needle Basketry Land, M
Baleen Basketry Lee, Molly
Bamboo 2001 Fujinuma, N
Bamboo Basketry Sugita, J
Bamboo Catalog Fujinuma, N
bamboo in japan Bess, N M
bamboo in japan, copy 2 Bess, N M
Basic Pine Needle Basketry Mulford, Judy *
Basic Pine Needle Basketry, copy 2 Mulford, Judy
Basket Book Siler, Lyn
Basket Book, copy 2 Siler. Lyn
Basket Collectors Book Larason, Lew
Basket Collectors Book Larason, Lew copy 2
Basket Making Barratt, O E
Basket Weaving : Plus Leisure Time Pub
Basketmaker in Rural Japan Cort, LA and Nakamura, K
Basketmaker in Rural Japan, copy 2 Cort, LA and Nakamura, K
Basketmaker's Art (soft cover) Pulleyn, R
Basketmaker's Art (hard cover) Pulleyn, R
Basketmaker's Baskets Siler, Lyn
Basketmaking in Ireland Hogan, J
Basketry Christopher, F J
Basketry II Stanli, S
Basketry Book DeLeon, S
Basketry of the Appalachian Mountains Stephenson, S H
Basketry of the Appalachian Mountains, copy 2 Stephenson, S H
Basketry Projects From Baskets to Grass Slippers Sekijima, H
Basketry Projects From Baskets to Grass Slippers Sekijima, H copy 2
Basketry Round Up #2 LaPlantz, S
Basketry Round Up #2 copy 2 LaPlantz, S
Basketry Today Meilach, Dona Z,
Basketry Today With Materials From Nature Meilach, D Z and Menagh, D
Basketry, copy 2 Christopher, F J
Baskets Now : USA. Arkansas Art Center
Baskets, tradition & Beyond Leier, Peters, Wallace
Baskets as Textile Art Rossbach, Ed
Baskets as Textile Art Rossbach, Ed copy 2
Baskets in Polynesia Arbeit, Wendy
Baskets in Polynesia, copy 2 Arbeit, Wendy
Baskets, A Book for Makers and Collectors Sudduth, B R
Baskets, A Book for Makers and Collectors Sudduth, B R copy 2
Baskets, Tradition and Beyond Leier, Peters, Wallace
Baskets 500. Lark Press
Best of the Basketry Express, 1985-1990 Dean, A
Best of the Basketry Express, another 1990-5 Dean, A
California Indian Basketry Show catalog
Chumash Miller, B W
Coconut Palm Frond Weaving Goodloe, W H
Coconut Frond Weaving Kelley, J M
Complete Book of Basketry Wright, D
Complete Book of Basketry, copy 2 Wright, D
Complete Book of gourd carving Widess, J and Summitt, G
Complete Book of Gourd Craft Summit, G and Widess, J
Complete Book of Gourd Craft Summit,G and Widess, J copy 2
Contemporary Baskets * small works del Mano Gallery
Contemporary International Basketmaking. Butcher, M
Contemporary Japanese Bamboo Arts Coffland, R T
Contemporary Japanese Bamboo Arts, copy 2 Coffland, R T
Craft & Art of Bamboo Stangler, C
Craft in America Video 2007 Craft in America
Craft of Bookbinding Banister, Mary
Craft of Hawaiian Lauhala Weaving Bird, A, Goldsberry, S, Bird, J P K
Creative Crafts of the World Romatka, Marily
Crocheted Wire Jewelry Fisch, A M
Decorative Marshallese Baskets Mulford, Judy
Decorative Marshallese Baskets, copy 2 Mulford, Judy
Design! Aimone S.
Design Language. McCreight
Earth Basketry, Tod, O G
Earth Pigment and Paints Campbell, P
Edith Clayton's Market Basket Gordon, J
Extraordinary in the Ordinary Kahlenberg, M H
Fabulous Woven Jewelry Hettmansperger, M
Fiber Basketry. Homegrown & Handmade Richardson, H
Fine Art of California Indian Basketry Bibby, Brian
Fine Art of California Indian Basketry copy 2 Bibby, Brian
Fragrant Basketry Armstrong, K A
Fragrant Basketry copy 2 Armstrong, K A
From the Woods Dorothy Gill Barnes. Ohio Craft Museum
Gabrielino Miller, B W
Gifts from the earth TerBeest, Char
Gourd Crafts Summitt G
Gourd Pyrography Widess, J
Gourd Show dvd Dellos, Maria
Grandmother Basket, Washington, M
Hanamusubi Tanaka, T
Handmade Baskets Siler, L
Handmade Baskets Vaughn, S.
Handmade Baskets copy 2 Vaughn, S
Hohokam Arts and Crafts Gronemann, B
Hopi Basket Weaving Tiewes, H
Hopi Basket Weaving , copy 2 Tiewes, H
How Indians Used Desert Plants Cornett, J W
How to Make Baskets, Book Two Siler, L and Kemp, C
How to Make Your Own Hawaiian Musical Instruments Hopkins, J
Impassioned Form. Sauer, J
Indian Basket Weaving Navajo School of Indian Basketry
Indian Basket Weaving, copy 2 Navajo School of Indian Basketry
Indian Basket Weaving Newman, S C
Indian Basketmakers of the Southwest Dalrymple, L
Indian Basketry George, W J
Indian Basketry and How to Make Baskets George, W J
Indian Basketry of Western North America Rozaire, C
Indian Baskets Turnbaugh, S P and W A
Indian Baskets of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska Lobb, A
Indian Baskets of the Southwest Tanner, C L
Indian Designs Villasenor, D & J
It Will Live Forever Ortiz, Bev
It Will Live Forever copy 2 Ortiz, Bev
Japan Color Tanaka, I and Koike, K
Japanese Braiding Art of Kumihimo Carey, Jacqui
Making A Difference. Sauer, J
Making A Gourd Djembe Widess, J and Sowers, J
Making Books By Hand McCarthy, Mary and Manna, P
Making Gourd Dolls & Spirit Figures Summit, G and Widess, J
Making the new Baskets LaFerla, J
Math in a Basket Sudduth, B R
Measure of the Earth Cole-Ware Collection
Modern Approach to Basketry Meilach, Dona Z
Native American Basketry of So Cal Riverside Museum Press
Natural Basketry Hart, C and D
Natural Fiber Basketry Smith, S M
Natural Materials for Basketmaking Lang, C
Needle Lace. Clark, J. N.
Needle Laces Kliot, J&K
News Basket, v 4 no 3 LaPlantz, S
News Basket, v 4 no 3 LaPlantz, S copy 2
News Basket, v 4 no 4 LaPlantz, S
News Basket, v 4 no 4 LaPlantz, S, copy 2
News Basket, v 4 no 5 LaPlantz, S
News Basket, v 4 no 5 LaPlantz, S copy 2
News Basket, v 4 no 6 LaPlantz, S
News Basket, v 4 no 6 LaPlantz, S copy 2
News Basket, v 5 no 1 LaPlantz, S
News Basket, v 5 no 1 LaPlantz, S copy 2
News Basket, v 5 no 2 LaPlantz, S
News Basket, v 5 no 2 LaPlantz, S copy 2
News Basket, v 5 no 3 LaPlantz, S
News Basket, v 5 no 3 LaPlantz, S copy 2
News Basket, v 5 no 4 LaPlantz, S
News Basket, v 5 no 4 LaPlantz, S copy 2
News Basket, v 5 no 5 LaPlantz, S
News Basket, v 5 no 5 LaPlantz, S copy 2
North American Indian Masks Smith & Hazen
Orientations Feb 1999magazine
Pacific Basket Makers 1981 Symposium
Papago Indians and Their Basketry DeWald, T
Paper Card Book Kerr, L
Pima and His Basket Breazeale, J F
Pima Indian Basketry Cain, H
Pine Needle Basketry Mallow, Judy
Pine Needle Basketry copy 2 Mallow, Judy
Pine Needle Basketry Milliken, L L
Pine Needle Basketry, copy 2 Milliken, L L
Pine Needle Basketry - Basic Salisbury, Kumi (Japanese language)
Pine Needle Basketry - Advanced Salisbury, Kumi (Japanese language)
Pine Needle Craft Walsh, V
Pine Needle Raffia Basketry McFarland, J
Pine Needle Raffia Basketry copy 2 McFarland, J
Pine Needle Raffia Basketry Advance Pattern Book
McFarland, J
Pine Needles to Baskets Fisher, Kay
Plaited Basketry : The Woven Form LaPlantz, S
Plaited Basketry : The Woven Form LaPlantz, S copy 2
Pomo Basketmaking Allen, E
Pomo Indian Basketry Barrett, S A
Power of Limits Doczi, Gyorgy
Practical Basket Making James, G W
Practical Basket Making, copy 2 George, W J
Precious Cargo Bibby, Brian
Progressive Quilts Segawa, Setsuko
Pueblo Crafts Underhill
Raffia Hat Making Fennell, Ann
Raffia Hats, Bags & Baskets Doyle, L
Raffia Hats, Bags & Baskets, copy 2 Doyle,
Rattan Weaving Japanese Language Book
Rattan Weaving 2 Japanese Language Book
Reflections of Culture Potter, B B
Rods, Bundles & Stitches Lopez, R A and Moser, C L
Row Upon Row Sea Grass Baskets Rosengarten, D.
Row Upon Row Sea Grass Baskets copy 2 Rosengarten, D.
Skilled Work Renwick Gallery National Museum of American Art
Southern California Luiseño Indian Baskets Farmer, J F
Southwestern Indian Baskets Whiteford, A H
Splint Woven Basketry Daugherty, Robin Taylor
Splint Woven Basketry, copy 2 Daugherty, Robin Taylor
Story of Navaho Weaving Kent, P K
Sugita Jyozan catalog Sugita, J
Tactile Vessel, New Basket Forms. Erie Art Museum
Tarahumara Fontana, B
Te Whatu Tāniko Mead, H M
Techniques of Basketry Harvey, V
Teneriffe Lace Kliot, J&K
Teneriffe Lace, Designs and Instructions Dakota Prairie Treasures
Textiles of Ancient Peru and Their Techniques D'Harcourt, R
Three Califonia Basketmakers (Hildebrandt,Mulford,Valoma). Brown/Grotta
Tradition and Innovation Bates, C D and Lee, M J
Tradition and Innovatioon III. NBO
Traditions in Transition Mauldin, B
Twill Basketry LaPlantz, S
Twining Cedar: Annette Island Tsimshian Basket Weaving
Weaving a Legacy Dean, Ratcheson, Finger, Daus
Weaving With Cane and Reed Kroncke, G
Weaving With Coconut Palm Stevenson, G B
Weaving With Reeds and Fibers Tod, O G and Benson, O H
Weaving With Reeds and Fibers, copy 2 Tod, O G and Benson, O H
What Are Fronds For? Arbeit, Wendy
Wheat Weaving and Straw Craft Owens-Celli, M G
Wild Brothers of the Indians Wesche, A.
Willow Basketry of the Amana Colonies Schanz, J E
Willow Spokes and Wickerwork Stephens, C